

If one looks "Juxtaposed" up in the dictionary there should be a copy of this image there... this shot was done for the designer of a building on the campus at DUKE university. If you have ever been to DUKE it is almost completely a "Gothic design" campus almost all of the buildings there were built in this Gothic style ..... until fairly recently. This Modern building  - the Penn Pavillion was designed by Shepley BulFinch Architects headquartered in Boston. It is a truly extraordinary building .... it takes a bit of time to look at it and sort of accept it's placement .... it is truly juxtaposed. There is a movement now to integrate other styles at DUKE.

Perhaps even more importantly the fact that all of the original Gothic buildings on the Duke Campus were designed by an African American Architect 37 years before he could have enrolled as a student on Duke's campus ..... unreal. Julian F. Abele was an incredibly gifted Architect working in Pennsylvania. He was born in 1881, graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 1902 as the first Black graduate in Architecture in 1902 .... it was 1942 before he was accepted into the AIA.       History is amazing.